Monday 14 September 2015

Bringing Web 2.0 into the classroom

Web 2.0 is the evolution of the Web 1.0, where limited interaction between users and webs were possible. Users were not given the opportunity to post reviews, comments and feedback, they could only receive information. Unlike Web 1.0, Web 2.0 allows users and websites to interact more freely. Web 2.0 describes World Wide Web sites that emphasize any form of content which is available to use at any time and gives you the opportunity to share with other people what you have been working on. Social networking sites, blogs, wikis, and social bookmarking are some examples of Web 2.0 sites.
Using Web 2.0 allows students to create contents by themselves and to take responsibility for their own learning. It gives students the opportunity to participate, collaborate and share information. An example would be working with Comic Master a site where you can create your own comic, choosing different characters, emotions, actions and dialogues. If you want to share your production you can download it as a pdf file or print it. 
Another example would be Zimmer Twins, there students can create their own videos to share with their classmates what they have learnt. They can write what they want, use pictures and make the characters move. With these technologies we can motivate students to learn and work in any subject, since you can produce what you need with them. This page in particular requires you to sign in to create a video, which will be available only for two weeks, if you do not become a member. 
As a conclusion we could reaffirm that working with this new technology provides a wide range of opportunities to use in and outside the classroom. Even though we use it to socialize or spend some free time, we could use this kind of technology to engage students, to make lessons and activities more attractive. We advise you to give them a try and make your students’ learning process more appealing to them. Just be careful because not  all of the web 2.0 sites allow you to use them as a free user, download or share what you have produced.

Picture take from:

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