Monday 28 September 2015

Thinking time

After reading this news, we asked ourselves if everything that is said there is totally true. During this year we have read about how to use technology to teach and also we have used them to plan different lessons. According to this investigation and trials we could say that by using the computer as a tool teachers will make their lessons more attractive or will give the internet an academic use, it is true that may be students will not become more efficient but it is also true that they will pay more attention and work a bit more than when reading a sheet of paper with just theory, because you are using something they use to have fun or to relax to involve them into your subject. So, yes, maybe using technology in class will have their disadvantages, but it is up to you to find out the correct use in order to turn technology into a friend for teaching.



  1. The last sentence of the post summarizes what we also think of this article. Being in front of a computer does not mean that you are working on something productive, but in an educational context we need to find the way to guide our students to learn through the use technology.

  2. Hi, girls! nice blog! It's complete and neat. It contains all the information we need so as to contact you and it's well organized.
    As regards this article, we totally agree with you in the sense that we should try and see what happens when using technology in the classroom. It's a more interesting way to involve students since they are working with what they know and interest them, that is technology itself.
    Good job!

  3. Great reflection! As we saw yesterday mobile devices can be integrated in the English lessons. We only need to think about the context and never forget about our students needs.

  4. Thank you girls for your comments. You took the time to read and comment our post; we appreciate that a lot.
